When You Might Need A Retaining Wall In Brisbane

Simply because your friend who owns a house in the heart of the city does need a retaining wall, does not necessarily mean that you also will not be requiring it. Only an expert, after a proper inspection of your home, will be able to tell you whether you need a retaining wall in Brisbane or not. Let’s say, your home sits near or even above or below a hill, then you might need a wall, because this wall will offer your home the protection that it needs. Should there be any kind of soil erosion or landslide, your home will stay safe.

Such a wall is also a good idea when your property sits on multiple levels, because this will offer proper support to the entire garden, and also accord it a completely different style. When you have a garden that sits on multiple levels, there is so much more you will be able to do, in terms of landscaping. Imagine having flowers on the level that you see from the living room, but veggies and herbs in the levels below. With timber retaining walls Brisbane homes can have such gardens that are truly exquisite and interesting.

Talk to your landscaper or the engineer who will be putting in the retaining wall and they might even tell you that you will be able to put in a hot tub or a soaking tub in one of the levels, created by the wall. Alternately, you could create colour coordinated flower beds, which can be changed as per the seasons.